Watch Educational Videos for Class Six

Biology Physics Chemistry Maths


सजीव और निर्जीव वस्तूएँ

The different lessons in this topic explain about living and non-living things. It explains the properties of living things.

जैव और अजैव घटक

The different lessons in this topic explain about environment and elements. It explains about different elements of environment like biotic and abiotic etc. It shows how different elements of environment interact within the ecosystem and how biotic elements interact to form a biotic community.

विभिन्न आवासों की यात्रा

The different lessons in this topic explain about habitats and adaptation. It first describes about different habitats and also explains the challenges organisms face in different habitats and how they overcome these challenges through adaptation.

पौधे का तना

The different lessons in this topic explain about stem. It elaborates the functions of shoot. It also briefly describes about different stem modifications.

पौधे की जड़

The different lessons in this topic explain about root. It elaborates the functions of root system. It also briefly describes about different root modifications and purposes of these modifications.

पौधे की पत्तियां

The different lessons in this topic explain about leaf. It also explains about different modifications in leaf and purposes of these modifications.

पौधे के पुष्प

The different lessons in this topic explain about different parts of flower and their importance. It elaborates how pollination occurs.

हमारा भोजन

The different lessons in this topic explain about the different types of nutrients and their sources. It starts with a fascinating story –Aman turns into a Monster.


The different lessons in this topic explain the seriousness of garbage problem and explain simple ways to solve garbage problem to save the earth. It starts with a musical story – Wake Up Before It’s Too Late.

जानवरों की गतियाँ

The different lessons in this topic shows how different animals move like lion, cockroach, snail, fish, earthworm etc.


प्रकाश के स्रोत और गुण

The lessons in this topic explain about sources of light, properties of light, different kinds of materials e.g. transparent, translucent and opaque objects.

प्रकाश - छायाएँ एवं परावर्तन

The lessons in this topic explain about shadow, reflection and the difference between them. It starts with a funny story – Ghostly Monster.

विद्युत् - भाग 1

The different lessons in this topic explain basic concept of electricity and what conductors, insulators are. The topic begins with a nice, adventurous story – A Daring Rescue.

तंतु से वस्त्र तक

The different lessons in this topic explain importance of clothing, different materials for fabric, how fabrics are made from raw materials. Lessons provide brief details about cotton and jute fibre processing.


The different lessons in this topic explain the necessity of universal units (like S.I. unit system). It also describes about different units of length and how to measure length correctly. It starts with a funny story – The eccentric king.

गति और उसके प्रकार

The lessons in this topic explain about different types of motions and their properties with real-life examples. It starts with a circus show which shows different types of motions - The Joy of Circus.

कार्य बल और ऊर्जा

The different lessons in this topic explain the difficult concepts of work, force (gravitational and frictional) and energy in a simple and easy way. It begins with an interesting and funny story – The Sweat of the Farmer.


The lessons in this topic explain the various types of simple machines (e.g. inclined plane, wheel and axle, lever, pulley, screw and wedge). It also explains the three different classes of lever (e.g. class I, II and III) in a simple way.


अणु और परमाणु

The different learning contents in this topic explains the following concepts related to liquid: how matter is made up of molecules and atoms, what is physical change and chemical change.

पदार्थ की अवस्थायें

The different learning content in this topic explain about different states of Matter e.g. solid, liquid and gas, using the example of a magic show. It starts with an endearing story – “Hole in the water”, which also teaches children that nothing is impossible if you try hard!

हमारे चारोंओर के परिवर्तन

The lessons in this topic explain what happens during physical and chemical changes and also elaborates the differences between the two kinds of changes.

जल की उपयोगिता, स्रोत और समस्याएं

The lessons in this topic explain the importance of water, how rain occurs, sources of water and how these sources are dependent on rain. Lessons also describe different water problems like drought, water table depletion etc.


The different lessons in this topic explain the following concepts: what is air, composition of air, properties of air, atmosphere and its layers.



यह विषय सन्निकटित और आकलन करना सिखाता है।

चार मुलभुत संक्त्रियाएं

यह विषय चार मुलभुत संक्त्रियाएं के बारे में सिखाता है।

भिन्नों की तुलना

यह विषय भिन्नों की तुलना करना सिखाता है।

भिन्नों को जोड़ना

यह विषय भिन्नों को जोड़ना सिखाता है।

भिन्नों को घटाना

यह विषय एक भिन्न से पूर्णांक या अंश को घटाना सिखाता है।

भार (वजन)

यह विषय वजन के बारे में सिखाता है।


यह विषय आयतन के बारे में सिखाता है।

दशमलव - गुणा

यह विषय दशमलव दशमलव के गुणन के बारे में सिखाता है।

दशमलव - विभाजन

यह विषय दशमलव का विभाजन के बारे में सिखाता है।

आकृति (आकार)

यह विषय ठोस आकार के बारे में सिखाता है।

संख्या प्रणाली

यह विषय संख्या प्रणाली के बारे में सिखाता है।


यह विषय HCF के बारे में सिखाता है।


यह विषय LCM के बारे में सिखाता है।

विभाज्यता परीक्षण

यह विषय विभाज्यता परीक्षण के बारे में सिखाता है।

भिन्न गुणा

यह विषय भिन्न का गुणन के बारे में सिखाता है।

सरल समीकरण

यह विषय सरल समीकरण के बारे में सिखाता है।


यह विषय बहुभुज के बारे में सिखाता है।

ठोस आकार के जाल

यह विषय ठोस आकार के जाल के बारे में सिखाता है।
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